Oil - where are you going?

We, the people behind Vieno, don't just want to deliver the best oil, we also want to attain sustainability, protect our environment and thus contribute positively for the good of future generations.

So we asked ourselves:
Where do we want to go from here?

The answer was: a bottle made of sugar cane!


PLA - polylactide - lactic acid

PLA is the abbreviation for polylactide or lactic acid. It is a raw material that is obtained from corn or - as in the case of our bottles - from sugar cane and is used to produce bioplastic.

Universität Wien

Bioplastic bottles also keep cooking oil fresh for a long time

Bottles made of bioplastic protect cooking oil from oxidative spoilage (rancidity) to a similar extent as PET bottles. In addition, fewer substances are formed that impair taste and smell.

Sugar bottle - good for us and the environment

Renewable raw materials

The raw materials used for production are renewable - in our case sugar cane.

Perfectly recyclable

PLA is recyclable - recycling and reuse are the key.

Free from harmful substances

The material does not contain any harmful chemicals such as plasticizers or similar.

Vieno Organic Sunflower oil bottle 500 ml

Light for little CO2

The bottle is 20% lighter than glass and even 7% lighter than conventional PET - additional CO2 is saved during transport.

Oil stays fresh for just as long

The oil stays fresh in the sugar bottle for just as long as it does in plastic bottles.

Bottle is compostable

The bottle is 100% compostable in industrial compost.

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