Oil & bottle


Why organic?

Organic means: when planting the seeds neither chemicals nor toxic sprays are used. And of course, no genetic engineering is applied. Organic oils are not just healthy for us, but we can thus ensure only to consume none-pollutant foods and groceries, at the same time protect the soil/environment and the whole ecosystem.

We took the matter upon ourselves

The way we see our responsibility at Vieno, is to carefully overview the fruit/crop processing from the field up to the final result contained in the bottles. Therefore, the issues of packaging goods, environmental impact, as well as the huge amount of plastic wastes stemming from conventional production, have to be solved and remedied for future generations. That is why we decided to take up this challenge and to solve these problems by ourselves.

The right bottle was the solution

Contrary to glass bottles, our bottle is of light weight, therefore, easy to transport and consumer friendly. Our bottle is produced from renewable raw materials which is 100% compostable at the industrial waste compost and is 100% recyclable.

For the bottle we use PLA on the basis of starch – in our case sugar cane. Packaging is free of harmful plasticizers and does not release benzene. The durability of the bottle is comparable with conventional PET bottles.


More useful info about the bottle

No mineral oil is used for production

lighter than PET or glass

more comfortable to carry home

Vieno Organic Sunflower oil bottle 500 ml

less C02 consumption

durability of our oil in our bottles is just the same as in conventional PET bottles

NaKu is an Austrian company

Our partner for the production of sustainable packaging


„A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.“

Please dispose the bottle in the recycling bin.

The aim is to collect as much as possible PLA into the recycling process so that sooner or later the plastic will disappear from the collection bins.  We consumers can contribute to the fact that the Waste Management collects PLA goods in their recycling process!


Vieno - the bottle in circulation
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